Amin Feliz

Do things right, or better yet don't do it

What I Do

Only limited by my imagination


As a maker, I like to build more than just what I need.

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2014 university project, shopping list, still planning on moving to mobile app...need to restart it.

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Mobile Apps

My first mobile app was a volume vs price product comparator application, I was so proud.

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About Me

Unconsciously working of being a better me mostly from observing, planning and hard working 'till finally make it happens.

Meet The Team

They are inspiring heaven sent angels.


Los Castillo

Dayly basic support force

Responsable for sparking everyday startup to work on what is important, keeping in touch to the real world...staying focus.

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Los CastaƱeda

Creative over sea impulse force

Responsable of promoving new ideas, liberating my brain, making me thing out the box... eliminating boundaries.

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Myself Gallery